Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Billionaire Guide On What Is SEO That Helps You Get Rich

Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is a method by which anyone can use a search engine to reach a web site free of cost to everyone. Engine Search Engine Optimization (SEO) The increasing use of the internet is increasing the popularity of search engine optimization (SEO). Many people use it as a freelancing job. Besides, there is a need to increase the identity of blogs who are also running blogs. The importance of SEO to sustain a business on the internet is immense.

The main objectives of search engine optimization include:

1. Easy access to a site to everyone.
2. Increase the favors for the web site.
3. Increase the site visitor or traffic.
4. Different types of income from online works as a platform.
5. Work as a solid foundation for data exchange and competition.

How the search engine works: 

Search engines have been created, to find people's information. That's why some search engines have made some programs so that some search engines find the best information available. Which brings some of the top sites to the front of the site by comparing some of the sites. To select the best site, they see if the website is quality, whether the website information is suitable for everyone, how the website is popular. These show results with some more topics.


Through web crawling. When Googlebot collects a page, the links found on this page are added to its crawling list. In this way, a link comes in countless times. But Googlebot excluded them
Creates a list with the ability to cover the entire web at the shortest possible time. This system is called deep crawling. One of the main responsibilities of Google bots is to determine how quickly a page changes.
This is most important for keeping the Google database up to date. Googlebot brings out a revision of a page, and it's just as long as Googlebot will crawl any page after that. Because the page that changes once a month is nothing but a few hours after the crawling time is wasted. This crawling of updating the database is called Fresh Crawling.


The job of the Google index is relatively simple. Googlebot indexes give flowers to pages crawled. Indexes the search terms in alphabetical order. And save where no word is saved. There are some changes and brought to the pages. Some punctuation marks are omitted. They were also excluded if more than one space. For English, uppercase letters are replaced with lower case letters.

Google Query Processors: 

This is the last part. This is our search result processing. The queue processors are divided into several parts. User Interface, Query Engine, Result Format, etc. Google's Web Page Ranking System Pagerank The page number of that page is as high as the search result. Since Googlebot is a page code and crawling with text, the user can specify the position of the search term that it will be in the link, not in the title but in the text. Google's search results are so much better because of not only the results of the term based on the presence of the term.

The names of some of the most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Yahoo, Bing. On these sites, if you click on the search button by entering a word search box, links to many websites within a few seconds, the link will be available if the link is available.

Search engine optimization is a very important thing for web developers. The Quality Traffic comes from the search engine on the blog, as the blog ads become friendly, the reader is satisfied and benefited from the Blogger advertisement. The process is not limited to this only. There are many more benefits available from this.

Search engine optimization basically happens through two steps-
1. On-page optimization
2. Off-page optimization

1) On-page optimization: The optimizations we make in blogs or web pages are called on-page optimization. On-page optimization is important in finding the right keyword and its use, using meta tags, using title tags, using description tags, creating key content rich content and adding XML sitemap, etc.

2) Off-page optimization: Off-page optimization is a very important and permanent search engine optimization through which a site can be included in the competitive ranking in the first row of search engines. Off-page optimization is usually done through an improved backlink, article marketing, forum posting, etc. Off-page optimization will not only be used on a single page but will also be used on your entire blog, which means that your backlink will increase and page rank will increase.

So try to keep the content of the site different from other sites. After that, add some popular key-terms to your content page according to your content.

As SEO or search engine optimization, we understand the simplicity of the website to create good relationships with search engines. Without a search engine optimization, a website is never full, because there is no substitute for building the location of millions of sites in the first row.
Unknown said...

Helpfull Post, Thanks.

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